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Will there be a provocation against Kozlov?

Kazakhstan, 23.09.2014


An independent Kazakh news website, Respublika, reported on provocations being orchestrated against Kozlov. According to journalist I. Petrushova, the force behind them is the administration of the colony. 


The Respublika journalist, quoting an anonymous source, alleges that:


On September 25 the colony was searched for contraband items. This search was to serve as a pretext to transfer Kozlov to a different colony. If no prohibited items were found, according to Petrushova's source, Kozlov was to be beaten by another inmate. That should also provide grounds for transferring the leader of Alga!, as the administration will invoke the need to protect the inmate. So far it hasn't been established whether the search has actually taken place. 


According to Respublika, the manager of the colony has recently been called to attend a meeting in Astana, however the subject matter of this meeting remains unknown. 


Source: respublika-kaz.info 




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