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the heat

It's hot. We pour each other with water using a bottle and a rag lying at the door. And it's only April... On Monday, I'll try to convince the administration of the facility to allow somebody to bring us a fan and a stronger, energy-saving bulb.


After all, we're deprived of our liberty, but not the dignity of being treated as human beings. Nobody 'sentenced' us to blindness, heat, lack of a toilet and water in the prison cell and so on.


Of course, some of these 'conditions' cannot be improved immediately, but this doesn't mean that everything has to stay as it is right now. Anything that can be improved - should be improved.


Try and convince me otherwise! I have no complaints about how the prison workers treat us in here - everything's fine in this matter. But there is a chance of improving everything else and we will try to do what we can.

tags: hot warm bottle water prison writing chance improved april facility fan bulb Kozlov Vladimir

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