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Markus Löning - Human Rights Commissioner

quote 01.07.2013

Markus Loening I am deeply disappointed at the conviction of opposition leader Kozlov. Kozlov supported striking oil workers in Zhanaozen in western Kazakhstan. They were on strike for reasonable wages. Their cause was legitimate, as were Kozlov’s activities in support of it. It is totally unacceptable to send him to prison for more than seven years. I call upon President Nazarbayev to pardon and release Mr Kozlov immediately and to argue in favour of reversing the ruling.


Hugh Williamson- director of the Europe & Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch


Hugh Williamson Kozlov’s conviction is unsound, given that the charges against him are vague and overbroad and are fundamentally incompatible with human rights treaties Kazakhstan has signed. The Kazakh authorities should take this into consideration when reviewing Kozlov’s conviction and guarantee him a fair hearing.


Riccaro Migliori - OSCE

quote 10.10.2012

Riccaro Migliori "I am seriously concerned about the judgment handed down by a court in Aktau, Kazakhstan, that sentenced opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov to seven and a half years in prison and the confiscation of his property.”


Marcin Święcicki - Member of Polish Parliament

quote 28.09.2012

Marcin Święcicki "Taking into consideration human rights and the condition of the judiciary in Kazakhstan, one can suggest a practical solution in this case and it is simply to apply for amnesty for all convicted prisoners from among trade unionists and political activists"


Catherine Ashton - European Commission

quote 09.10.2012

Catherine Ashton „The High Representative has noted with concern the outcome of the trial of Vladimir Kozlov, the leader of the opposition party "Alga!”, in Kazakhstan.”


Ian Kelly - the U.S. Representative to the OSCE

quote 11.10.2012

Ian Kelly “The United States was disappointed to hear of the conviction of Vladimir Kozlov, leader of the opposition party Alga, and is concerned about the apparent use of the judicial system to silence a leading opposition voice in Kazakhstan.”


The Norwegian Helsinki Committee

quote 25.01.2012

Norwegian Helsinki “The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is disappointed to learn of raids and arrests of opposition politicians and journalists in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 23 January 2012. The arrests are connected to the ongoing investigation of the events in Zhanozen on 16 December 2011.- Authorities seem intent on cracking down on remaining opposition rather than to carry out a transparent investigation to establish”


Human Rights Watch

quote 09.10.2012

Human Rights Watch “Kozlov is paying a heavy price for publicly criticizing the Kazakh government,”, “By rendering a guilty verdict, the authorities are silencing an outspoken opponent and muzzling the Alga! party, one of Kazakhstan’s few alternative political voices.”


Freedom House

quote 08.10.2012

Freedom House “Freedom House observed flagrant violations calling into question the independence of the court, the presumption of innocence, and the right to defense. Grounds were also given to suspect falsification of evidence by the prosecution."


Markus Löning - Human Rights Commissioner

quote 01.07.2013

Markus Loening I am deeply disappointed at the conviction of opposition leader Kozlov. Kozlov supported striking oil workers in Zhanaozen in western Kazakhstan. They were on strike for reasonable wages. Their cause was legitimate, as were Kozlov’s activities in support of it. It is totally unacceptable to send him to prison for more than seven years. I call upon President Nazarbayev to pardon and release Mr Kozlov immediately and to argue in favour of reversing the ruling.


Hugh Williamson- director of the Europe & Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch


Hugh Williamson Kozlov’s conviction is unsound, given that the charges against him are vague and overbroad and are fundamentally incompatible with human rights treaties Kazakhstan has signed. The Kazakh authorities should take this into consideration when reviewing Kozlov’s conviction and guarantee him a fair hearing.


Riccaro Migliori - OSCE

quote 10.10.2012

Riccaro Migliori "I am seriously concerned about the judgment handed down by a court in Aktau, Kazakhstan, that sentenced opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov to seven and a half years in prison and the confiscation of his property.”


Ian Kelly - the U.S. Representative to the OSCE

quote 11.10.2012

Ian Kelly “The United States was disappointed to hear of the conviction of Vladimir Kozlov, leader of the opposition party Alga, and is concerned about the apparent use of the judicial system to silence a leading opposition voice in Kazakhstan.”


European Parliament

quote 15.03.2012

Parlament Europejski „alls on the Kazakh authorities to end the clampdown on the opposition (...) and release all persons incarcerated on political grounds, including the leader of the Alga party Vladimir Kozlov (...); calls for MrKozlov to be given access to his immediate family, including his wife, and for an independent assessment of his medical condition"


European Parliament

quote 22.11.2012

Parlament Europejski „Express deep concern at the sentencing of Vladimir Kozlov, (...) after a trial with numerous procedural shortcomings, with the effect of further limiting political freedom in Kazakhstan for the opposition; call on the Kazakh authorities to grant Kozlov, Aminov and Sapargaly a fair and transparent appeal process"


Catherine Ashton - European Commission

quote 09.10.2012

Catherine Ashton „The High Representative has noted with concern the outcome of the trial of Vladimir Kozlov, the leader of the opposition party "Alga!”, in Kazakhstan.”


Markus Löning - Human Rights Commissioner

quote 01.07.2013

Markus Loening I am deeply disappointed at the conviction of opposition leader Kozlov. Kozlov supported striking oil workers in Zhanaozen in western Kazakhstan. They were on strike for reasonable wages. Their cause was legitimate, as were Kozlov’s activities in support of it. It is totally unacceptable to send him to prison for more than seven years. I call upon President Nazarbayev to pardon and release Mr Kozlov immediately and to argue in favour of reversing the ruling.


Hugh Williamson- director of the Europe & Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch


Hugh Williamson Kozlov’s conviction is unsound, given that the charges against him are vague and overbroad and are fundamentally incompatible with human rights treaties Kazakhstan has signed. The Kazakh authorities should take this into consideration when reviewing Kozlov’s conviction and guarantee him a fair hearing.


Riccaro Migliori - OSCE

quote 10.10.2012

Riccaro Migliori "I am seriously concerned about the judgment handed down by a court in Aktau, Kazakhstan, that sentenced opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov to seven and a half years in prison and the confiscation of his property.”


The Norwegian Helsinki Committee

quote 25.01.2012

Norwegian Helsinki “The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is disappointed to learn of raids and arrests of opposition politicians and journalists in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 23 January 2012. The arrests are connected to the ongoing investigation of the events in Zhanozen on 16 December 2011.- Authorities seem intent on cracking down on remaining opposition rather than to carry out a transparent investigation to establish”


Marcin Święcicki - Member of Polish Parliament

quote 28.09.2012

Marcin Święcicki "Taking into consideration human rights and the condition of the judiciary in Kazakhstan, one can suggest a practical solution in this case and it is simply to apply for amnesty for all convicted prisoners from among trade unionists and political activists"


Catherine Ashton - European Commission

quote 09.10.2012

Catherine Ashton „The High Representative has noted with concern the outcome of the trial of Vladimir Kozlov, the leader of the opposition party "Alga!”, in Kazakhstan.”


Human Rights Watch

quote 09.10.2012

Human Rights Watch “Kozlov is paying a heavy price for publicly criticizing the Kazakh government,”, “By rendering a guilty verdict, the authorities are silencing an outspoken opponent and muzzling the Alga! party, one of Kazakhstan’s few alternative political voices.”


Ian Kelly - the U.S. Representative to the OSCE

quote 11.10.2012

Ian Kelly “The United States was disappointed to hear of the conviction of Vladimir Kozlov, leader of the opposition party Alga, and is concerned about the apparent use of the judicial system to silence a leading opposition voice in Kazakhstan.”


Freedom House

quote 08.10.2012

Freedom House “Freedom House observed flagrant violations calling into question the independence of the court, the presumption of innocence, and the right to defense. Grounds were also given to suspect falsification of evidence by the prosecution."


Markus Löning - Human Rights Commissioner

quote 01.07.2013

Markus Loening I am deeply disappointed at the conviction of opposition leader Kozlov. Kozlov supported striking oil workers in Zhanaozen in western Kazakhstan. They were on strike for reasonable wages. Their cause was legitimate, as were Kozlov’s activities in support of it. It is totally unacceptable to send him to prison for more than seven years. I call upon President Nazarbayev to pardon and release Mr Kozlov immediately and to argue in favour of reversing the ruling.


European Parliament

quote 22.11.2012

Parlament Europejski „Express deep concern at the sentencing of Vladimir Kozlov, (...) after a trial with numerous procedural shortcomings, with the effect of further limiting political freedom in Kazakhstan for the opposition; call on the Kazakh authorities to grant Kozlov, Aminov and Sapargaly a fair and transparent appeal process"


Ian Kelly - the U.S. Representative to the OSCE

quote 11.10.2012

Ian Kelly “The United States was disappointed to hear of the conviction of Vladimir Kozlov, leader of the opposition party Alga, and is concerned about the apparent use of the judicial system to silence a leading opposition voice in Kazakhstan.”


Riccaro Migliori - OSCE

quote 10.10.2012

Riccaro Migliori "I am seriously concerned about the judgment handed down by a court in Aktau, Kazakhstan, that sentenced opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov to seven and a half years in prison and the confiscation of his property.”


Human Rights Watch

quote 09.10.2012

Human Rights Watch “Kozlov is paying a heavy price for publicly criticizing the Kazakh government,”, “By rendering a guilty verdict, the authorities are silencing an outspoken opponent and muzzling the Alga! party, one of Kazakhstan’s few alternative political voices.”


Catherine Ashton - European Commission

quote 09.10.2012

Catherine Ashton „The High Representative has noted with concern the outcome of the trial of Vladimir Kozlov, the leader of the opposition party "Alga!”, in Kazakhstan.”


Freedom House

quote 08.10.2012

Freedom House “Freedom House observed flagrant violations calling into question the independence of the court, the presumption of innocence, and the right to defense. Grounds were also given to suspect falsification of evidence by the prosecution."


Marcin Święcicki - Member of Polish Parliament

quote 28.09.2012

Marcin Święcicki "Taking into consideration human rights and the condition of the judiciary in Kazakhstan, one can suggest a practical solution in this case and it is simply to apply for amnesty for all convicted prisoners from among trade unionists and political activists"


European Parliament

quote 15.03.2012

Parlament Europejski „alls on the Kazakh authorities to end the clampdown on the opposition (...) and release all persons incarcerated on political grounds, including the leader of the Alga party Vladimir Kozlov (...); calls for MrKozlov to be given access to his immediate family, including his wife, and for an independent assessment of his medical condition"


The Norwegian Helsinki Committee

quote 25.01.2012

Norwegian Helsinki “The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is disappointed to learn of raids and arrests of opposition politicians and journalists in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 23 January 2012. The arrests are connected to the ongoing investigation of the events in Zhanozen on 16 December 2011.- Authorities seem intent on cracking down on remaining opposition rather than to carry out a transparent investigation to establish”


Hugh Williamson- director of the Europe & Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch


Hugh Williamson Kozlov’s conviction is unsound, given that the charges against him are vague and overbroad and are fundamentally incompatible with human rights treaties Kazakhstan has signed. The Kazakh authorities should take this into consideration when reviewing Kozlov’s conviction and guarantee him a fair hearing.

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